Friday 28 February 2014

Week 3 - The Idea was Born

As the 3rd week came and i still have not decide any project to be register. this cause a bit stress to me since the due date is near and it really push me to decide. During that time i had done lots of discussions with my adviser and finally came with this hybrid idea. At first, i suggested to him that we could use both solar and wind energy to generate a cargo tanker engine, This is because it have large surface area which suitable to place lots of solar panel and sea always have air waves which can generate wind turbine. Next, my adviser suggested to me why not place another energy source which is sea waves and it easier to predict than other energy source.

Draft of the development of cargo tanker using hybrid renewable energy :

                                                                                   mark 1 prototype


Tuesday 18 February 2014

Week 2 - Finding a Suitable Project

First week has passed, during second week i have done a few researches for the project and came with ideas. then, i discussed with my adviser and he said that my idea was not really full fill his specification. so, he suggested to me a few projects that could help me which is generally under scope robotic and renewable energy. at first,i was agreed to develop renewable energy based on bio mass using palm tree branches.

 after further discussion, we found out that was too simple and nothing new to achieved. it also will cause me  problems when the time come for me to present this project, this is because it takes time for the biomass to process.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Week 1 - Briefing for Final Year Project

The briefing was conducted on 7th of February 2014 and the talk was given by madam Nurlida Abd Aziz and Dr. Idris Latiff. During briefing, students have been given information about final year project and how to find suitable adviser  to help with the project.

first briefing agenda:
1) suitable lecturer for final year project
2) implementation of final year project
3) final year project progress (log book or blog)

1.1 Journey to find lecturer for the project

All students have been given 3 weeks to find adviser for final year projects. so, I was suggested by friends that Sir Saharuddin bin Othman (SHO) from electrical section was suitable for my project. In other hand, i used to be in his classes in previous semester for subject Power System and Industrial Control.

After i met Sir Saharuddin bin Othman and convinced him to be my adviser. He gave me 2 weeks to come out with great idea and prepare simple proposal about the project. he also gave a guidanceand specification of the project.