Friday, 26 September 2014

week 2 semester 2 - assembling the frame structure

this week i will assemble the frame structure. it takes more time than i expected for the glue to stick together and harden. in order to keep the structure to stay in shape i tie it with cable tie and after long week of hardworking here is the frame structure.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

week 1 semester 2 - choosing suitable material for structure

this semester i will be focusing on building my project. so for this week i`ll be doing research on suitable material to build my structure. As my project is cargo tanker and i need to create a prototype of it.

      It crucial in choosing a suitable material as i need it to be floating on the water and it must be strong to hold all the components and mechanical parts.

      After a few research i decide that the frame of the structure will be make by using plastic pipe and wood. it is because the plastic and wood are able to bend. it suitable as the project have lots of curves. 

      for the surface of the structure i will be using polystyrene because it will help my prototype to float on the water.

here are the material that i choose and bought: 



plastic pipe and wood:

all of this material will be assemble by using hot glue gun